Mungkin berita sedih yang takkan Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza dapat lupakan sepanjang
hidupnya. Tapi nak buat macam mana, bukan rezeki Dato’ Siti dan suami dapat
zuriat lagi. Sesunggunya Allah Maha Besar dan semestinya punyai perancanNya yang
lebih baik.
Tapi sesetengah masyarakat masih nak menuduh macam-macam
serta berfikiran bahawa salah satu benda tu terjadi sebab Dato’ Siti jadi
penyanyi dan mengatakan muzik haram. Haihh.. entah la. Jom kita ikuti pendapat
lelaki ni yang ‘backup’ Dato’ Siti.. Tabah lah..
‘Leave Siti Nurhaliza
[Leave Siti Nurhaliza Alone!]
It was
reported today that Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza suffered miscarriage, it’s definitely a
sad moment for her. But what’s even sadder is when I read about how her fellow
Muslims seem to think that she DESERVED this tragedy all because she sings and
apparently as a Muslim, it is haram to sing.

Jangan nak kondem semua
I don’t have a problem with any religious people, I
think it’s good that you apply religious teachings to better yourself. I have
problems with OVERLY religious people who seem to think that they’ve already
grasped the religion and it’s ok to chime in on people’s misfortune. Really?
Just because you know a thing or two about the holy scripture it’s automatically
ok for you to say “Had she understood Islam and stopped singing, she will not
suffer from miscarriage.”
Fikir dulu sebelum
One may say “You’re not Muslim so you shouldn’t
comment on this.” I don’t have to be in ANY religion to understand basic
kindness, you don’t have to be a Buddhist/ Muslim/ Christian/ Hindu or part of
any other religion to know that when someone is suffering, you shouldn’t say
crap like “Had she done this, this wouldn’t happen to her.”
Doakan yang baik-baik untuk Dato’
I always believe that the fundamental principle in a
religion is LOVE, if you claim that you love your religion so much but
everything that comes out of your mouth is hateful and disrespectful, sad to
say, you suck as a human being.
Really, people should either pray for
Siti, send her good thoughts or leave her alone.
Sumber: Ohbulan
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