video menunjukkan kebakaran di sebuah flat di Singapura, dilakukan seseorang
dipercayai lintah darat atau ahlong kini tersebar di Facebook.
dikongsikan di Facebook yang menentang aktiviti meminjam wang daripada lintah
darat di Singapura itu, memaparkan objek yang telah dicucuh api digunakan untuk
memulakan kebakaran di pintu rumah mangsa hinggalah ianya merebak dan
keseluruhan pintu akhirnya hangus.
dilihat, pintu tersebut sebenarnya sudah pun dicat dengan tulisan berwarna hitam
sebelum kebakaran tercetus, kemungkinan turut dilakukan ahlong terbabit.
disebarkan bersama video kebakaran adalah salinan pesanan mesej di aplikasi
Whatsapp yang dihantar ahlong kepada mangsanya bagi memberi amaran, itulah padah
yang diperoleh jika tidak membayar hutang dan cuba menghilangkan diri.
menakutkan bila lihat betapa ganas cara puak lintah darat ini memberi tekanan
kepada mereka yang tersilap langkah menggunakan khidmat mereka.
terbaik, jangan sesekali terlibat dengan pinjaman ahlong kerana ‘bunga’ tinggi
yang dikenakan tu pasti menjerat leher di kemudian hari.
Yang Menjadi Viral dikonsikan: -
"Ah Long burns House" Video sent to borrower.Latest tactic by Ah Long is sending such videos to borrower and say that Your House Will Be Next! If you don't pay up.Threatening borrowers and giving them mental torture, building fear, psychological and emotional abuse of the whole family creating sense of insecurity and unable to feel safe at any point of time. Many families have broken up even breaking down due to extreme stress and depression being unable to cope with Ah long daily torture.The only way to prevent this from happening to you is, Do not borrow from illegal moneylenders no matter what. This video was sent to us by one victim an hour ago. Please share this to raise awareness.
Posted by Singapore Anti LoanSharks on Friday, October 16, 2015
Long burns House" Video sent to borrower.
Latest tactic by Ah Long is sending such videos to borrower and say that Your House Will Be Next! If you don't pay up.
Threatening borrowers and giving them mental torture, building fear, psychological and emotional abuse of the whole family creating sense of insecurity and unable to feel safe at any point of time. Many families have broken up even breaking down due to extreme stress and depression being unable to cope with Ah long daily torture.
The only way to prevent this from happening to you is, Do not borrow from illegal moneylenders no matter what. This video was sent to us by one victim an hour ago. Please share this to raise awareness.
Latest tactic by Ah Long is sending such videos to borrower and say that Your House Will Be Next! If you don't pay up.
Threatening borrowers and giving them mental torture, building fear, psychological and emotional abuse of the whole family creating sense of insecurity and unable to feel safe at any point of time. Many families have broken up even breaking down due to extreme stress and depression being unable to cope with Ah long daily torture.
The only way to prevent this from happening to you is, Do not borrow from illegal moneylenders no matter what. This video was sent to us by one victim an hour ago. Please share this to raise awareness.
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